We've had a busy week (evidenced by the fact that I didn't blog), but one thing that hasn't changed is Miss Elliott's pesky cold. I thought for sure she would be 100% by now, but no such luck. I can tell she is definitely feeling better, but she still has this stuffy nose. Hate it for her...and for us for that matter because stuffy nose=no sleep. We have definitely had less than optimal sleep this past week, which was a real downer since I also had to work. Afternoon naps not an option. Thankfully, she slept through the night the past two nights because she slept in her car seat. Whatever works, right? I must admit I do feel somewhat guilty to let her sleep in her car seat. It seems so uncomfortable! However, it also allows her to breath (thus sleep), so I guess it's worth the discomfort.
The bad thing about lack of sleep for me is I almost inevitably get sick when I don't get good sleep. So now I'm desperately trying to fight off a virus. Please not during my Thanksgiving break!!
I've always thought parents who obsessed about making sure their kids avoided germs were completely unreasonable. Germs build immune systems, right? Well, I don't want to become a germ nazi, but I can definitely see why it is in Elliott's (and our) best interest to stay healthy. Any thoughts on germs and avoiding illness?
She doesn't look sick here, huh. "Aunt Lacey, you're so funny!"
So last weekend we got to go to Texas to celebrate Thanksgiving with my family (minus my middle sister and her husband...we missed you guys). We ate lots of good food, had great fellowship, and watched Harry Potter (got to take advantage of free babysitting by Mimi and Papa). We had a wonderful time, and as usual, it was sad to leave. Tomorrow it's Thanksgiving with Kev's family. Have I mentioned I love the holiday season?
Hanging out with Aunt Lacey.
Love my Mimi!
We also got to see my cousins' kids...they LOVED Elliott!