Thursday, November 15, 2012

Fall pictures!

We're going through Momo withdrawals here in Indiana.  My mom was able to come stay with us for almost a week, and it was wonderful!  It kind of amazes me how quickly and easily we fall into our little routines and having the extra help is pretty spectacular.  Kev and I even got to go on a little date which is always an added plus.  I really like my husband and it's nice to have some undistracted conversation over dinner, and it makes the date even better knowing your kids are totally happy.  Elliott's already asking to, "go Momo's house."  Christmas can't come soon enough.

On a different note...we had family pics taken about a month ago, and I'm finally getting around to posting some pics.  Yay!  I had a really hard time narrowing down the ones to there's a lot.  I love pictures and I love my family.  Hope you enjoy them!
 My sweet, independent, determined 2-year old.  My patients has grown exponentially over the past year and yet has so much more to go.  Love her and all she teaches me!
My cuddly, kissable, smily little boy who is so quickly turning into a very mobile, exploring and curious little guy.  As I was holding a newborn yesterday, I realized he is seeming less and less like a baby which makes my mommy's heart a little sad.
The love of my life.  Can't imagine loving him any more and yet my love has grown by leaps and bounds the past 8 and 1/2 years.  So thankful that he loves me and pursues me...and that he thinks I'm hot. :)
 Our sweet family.  Words cannot express how thankful I am that God has blessed me with this family. I am so unworthy.  Even though the chaos can be overwhelming and the uncertainties (in parenting) can weigh me down, I wouldn't change anything.  
 I couldn't believe how much I loved my first born...and then I had a second.  This picture melts my heart because it is a small glimpse of my sweet children interacting.  Interacting with your child is amazing but there is nothing like seeing your children LOVE each other.  Now I know they will fight, and they will go through times they don't like each other, but there is underlying love.
He thinks she's pretty cool...down to her shoes. :)
 Some moments call for a silly face.
 He didn't give us big smiles, but I thought this was such a sweet smile.
 Definitely one of my favorite pictures of ALL TIMES!
 So thankful for sweet Elliott hugs.  Nothing like them.
 She certainly loves her daddy...and I'm so thankful!
 He definitely does way cooler things than mom, like swing you around and build forts and stuff.
 Seriously love this somber face.  Too cute!

 Like father like son.

For those of you who are actually still looking, weren't these AWESOME?!  Sometimes I wish I had a photographer who followed us constantly so he/she could capture daily moments.  Granted, there would probably be some really ugly moments and we definitely would not always be showered and never be color coordinated, but I love pictures that are a glimpse at a certain season in life.  Thanks for bearing with me!


  1. Gorgeous family. These pics are sooooo good!

  2. You are a beautiful family!!! I am so thankful for both of us that we were able to become the families we'd always hoped for. And I would love to have paparazzi following us all day. Because every time I grab my camera to catch a moment, the kids stop doing it to watch me!

  3. These are such cute pictures! I love the one of you all sitting on the bridge!
