I just got back from a "girl's trip" with my mom and sisters...my dad came along as our chauffeur, bag carrier, navigator, errand guy, and just great company. :) Here are a few pics to document our trip.
Chilling at the airport in her stroller.
A late night trip to the urgent care. Unfortunately, the first night we were there Elliott developed a nasty sounding cough, hence the trip to the urgent care. Not what you want to do on vacation.
E drank LOTS of water during the trip.
And she took OFF her sunglasses countless times...what a fun game.
We had a lot of fun times at the pools at our condo.
The girls getting ready to go to the pool.
Hanging out with Papa.
We ate at many fantastic restaurants, one being Pompano Joes. It was overlooking the beach, so although it was slightly warm and humid, it was a great view!
There were some major waves the last day we were there. This picture doesn't do it justice.
It was a wonderful vacation, however it was not quite as relaxing as I was anticipating. Miss Elliott was up EVERY single night at least once and the latest she slept was 6:15. Since my mom and I usually slept in her room, it made for some long nights for us. She apparently did NOT realize we were on vacation! Since she was not feeling well, she was more whiny, clingy, and not quite as fun to be around. I think both of my sisters were slightly traumatized about traveling with babies. Plus, it was difficult not having Kev there. I never realized how much I depend on him for help. However, I was unbelievably thankful to get to spend quality time with my family. Such a blessing since the move is oh so rapidly approaching!
Looks like you girls had a great time and got some good sun! And could Elliott be any more adorable in that green bathing suit??!!