Monday, April 4, 2011


I have been such a bad blogger lately. Amazing how quickly time passes these days! I blame it on long work days and an increasingly busy little girl. I feel like I have had several blog posts in my head, I just haven't gotten a chance to sit down and write them. Does anyone else do this? You start to think in "blog," as in what your next post will be. No? Maybe it's just me. absolute favorite baby clothing. Nice stretchy waist (for big bellied babies) and yet so trendy.
Food is GOOD these days...unless it has weird texture like homemade squash or green beans.
And my new favorite hairdo on Miss E...PIG TAILS!!!

Who is this little girl and where did my baby go? Sigh.


  1. I totally think in blog talk, haha! Love that sweet girls piggies, so cute! She's got some pretty good ones too, I can still just barely get Lucy's hair in piggies! She's precious Erica!

  2. I love the pigtails too! Sorry life has been so busy!! Elliott is such a cutie.

  3. love her piggies! that is the cutest look on little gals!
